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Proclamation Day for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Union County Courthouse 101 N. Washington, El Dorado, AR

Turning Point of South Arkansas would like for you to join us at 2pm on the Union County Courthouse steps as Mayor Paul Choate gives the proclamation for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). Listen to the statistics for teen dating violence, learn what types of behaviors and actions are classified as dating violence, and […]

Event Series Hand Quilting @SouthArk

Hand Quilting @SouthArk

In this 4 day class you will learn the basics of quilting that can last a lifetime while making a fabric trivet. This small project will cover terms, supplies, templates, cutting fabric, ironing, and binding. All you need to quilt any size project. We ask that attendants under the age of 14 be accompanied by […]


Prospective Volunteer Meeting by Turning Point

Turning Point of South Arkansas 101 W. Main Street, Suite 300, El Dorado, AR

Turning Point of South Arkansas is looking for volunteers and would like to welcome anyone who is interested to come learn about the opportunities we have. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, but cannot attend this meeting, please send an email to or call (870) 862-3672. When: February 9th at 6 p.m. […]

SouthArk Stars Men’s Basketball Game

South Arkansas College Gym 311 S West Ave, El Dorado, AR, United States

South Arkansas College host Men's Basketball. South Arkansas Stars vs. North Arkansas $10.00 adults $5 K-12 free under age 5


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